Thinking about moving offices?
Once you’ve got your new office space picked out, the next thing to do is to decide on an office configuration. A lot of today’s offices have evolved from the typical enclosed offices and single person cubicles to office spaces that promote teamwork and collaboration. Here’s a list of different office configurations and what the benefits are so you can pick which will work best for your company.

Traditional Layout

The traditional layout that has been around forever is an office with a receptionist in the front and several enclosed offices behind the receptionist. The employees all have their own office, meaning they won’t have to worry about not having enough space for their work or any clients they might see. It also gives every employee an enclosed space to take private meetings with a client.
A traditional office layout is ideal for companies that meet one on one with clients, or an industry that doesn’t require much collaboration. A good example of this would be a company that does financial planning. They meet one on one with clients often and discuss private information about the clients’ finances that is confidential.

Collaboration Cubicles

Collaboration cubicles are a cubicle designed for a group of two or more people instead of being used for a single person. This cubicle design exists to promote collaboration. Normally, you would seat a few people who deal with the same projects in the same cube so it’s more convenient if they need their team’s thoughts. It also can help a team to develop a sense of comradery if they are always sitting next to each other.
A downside of cubicles is that, depending on the material of the cube, it can decrease the amount of natural light that gets in. This causes the need for fluorescent lights which can be strenuous on your eyes. There are many options for cube covers, which are designed to block out some light. If you’re using cubicles in your office, your employees will thank you for using the cube shades.

Open Office

An open office would be set up similarly to a cubicle layout, but with low partition walls or missing them completely. It could be individual desks that are close together or a long table with individual work areas spaced out evenly. This, like the collaboration cubicles, promotes teamwork.
The open office layout encourages collaboration between the whole office. The idea is that if you can see someone at all times and it feels like you’re working in the same room, they feel more approachable. Without the cube walls, natural sunlight is also more readily available as long as your office has windows.
If you have either an open office setup or cubicles, it would be a good idea to call a moving company. These office layouts have more furniture than a traditional layout and can take a long time to move. Having someone who has done several office moves will shorten the amount of time it takes to get set back up again.

No Matter the Layout, We Can Help

There are many other factors that go into deciding which design is right for your company, but no matter which office layout you choose, your local office moving company can help you out. They’ll pack your office furniture, move it to the new location, and set it back up for you. You can choose what furniture you want to be located where and the overall layout you want, and they’ll set it all up. Visit Boise Moving & Storage a call today and get a free estimate on your office moving job!